Late in July, Linchen (Buster's Dutch Darling) delivered her first foal without any complication, only, she let me wait very long! Linchen befriended with Lady and they were together when their foals were born. However, Linchen was due to give birth earlier than Lady but her pregnancy lasted and lasted..... At night Linchen was stabled and watched over, both I and my good "birth alarm" dog Rex were taking care of that.
Finally, eleven days after Lady's foal had been born, Linchen gave birth in the meadow during the morning in bright daylight! The name this filly was given later by her new owner, Dutch Rising Sun, is in full compliance with this! |
At first, I mocked her just as my little donkey, as she was as long in her mother's womb as a donkey foal usually is. But she showed nothing of the stubborn character attributed to a donkey, just being a sweet and gentle TW Horse foal, that liked to be touched and handled by humans straight on. Just like her dam Linchen, who was always a sweet one in handling. |
The Little America website and the foals by Postmark Delight offered for sale then got noticed at the other end of the world, in Japan. Lady's filly Joy was sold already so only Linchen's filly was still for sale. It came to be that this little sweet filly became the first TWH to be sold to Japan! That is, her new owner lives in Japan, where her husband works at a project with horses. The filly Dutch Rising Sun will join their family when they return to their home country Belgium, later in 2009. In the meantime, Sun is raised in the company of other foals (as was the wish of her owner), in Belgium, waiting for her to be brought to her destined home address near to the capital Brussels. |
